
1302 Kenyon St. NW, Washington D.C. 20010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

House Meal Tradition

During our house meals in college we would also share 3 things about our week: something good, something bad, and a time when we saw/felt Jesus.  Here's mine for the last week or so.

Good:  I'm living with people who I genuinely like and get along with. We find fun things to do, we like to eat together, we like to laugh together. It's been great.  I also enjoyed having a three-way skype with some of my girlfriends from college. It felt like two hours of normalcy and goodness all rolled into one excellent conversation.  ALSO, I love talking with my family. ALSO,  I'm almost done with my med school application.

Bad: Wedding planning can be annoying. Enough said. Working 9-5 and having people yell at you sucks. I'd say 1 or 2 out of 10 yell at me in a given day. It's a big downer.  Plus, I've really been struggling getting into a healthy sleep schedule. That makes the days so much longer. ALSO, I'm almost done with my med school application (and "almost" doesn't get you into med school).

Jesus: I went out for dinner with a coworker and I gave her the cliff notes version of "What is a Mennonite." Then we had some great discussion on Christianity in American society today and how awesome inter-faith dialogue and action are.  It was a good reminder for me that being a disciple for Jesus doesn't mean that actions are enough. Sometimes you need words, too.

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