
1302 Kenyon St. NW, Washington D.C. 20010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Don't think that this is Twitter or anything!

I'm not trying to start "tweeting" by updating this blog so often. BUT, exciting news: Not only have I fully applied to TWO medical schools now (as in, first and secondary applications are DONE...only 3 more schools to go), but I also finished reading all of the Harry Potter books. In less than a month, I might add.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Quick trip home

Last Thursday I popped home for a visit. Thanks to some free vacation days at work, I had Thursday and Friday off and, thanks to my parents, was able to fly home for a few days. I managed to surprise Anna at one of her rehearsals for Frog and Toad, shadow an orthopedic doctor, watch two plays written by GC students, visit with my friends, AND do some wedding planning. It was a pretty epic trip considering how brief it was. It was nice to see everyone, but definitely a reminder of how much I have to miss back home. Thankfully, life in DC is pretty satisfying, too, so I'm happy where I am.

I'm in the process of finishing secondary applications, but I've lost a lot of steam/motivation. I'm more focused on finishing the seventh Harry Potter book before Courtney, Sarah, Jodi and I go to see it on Friday night!  So, that's all. Wish me luck with these applications!

It's nice to stay connected with people, so don't be afraid to write me a quick email update with what's going on in your life.

Monday, November 1, 2010

5 Fun Things

1) What: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.  Where: The National Mall. Who: 250, 000 people, myself included. Why: No one really knows, but it was fun.  Lots of entertainment and the typical wit you'd expect of Stewart and Colbert.

2) What: Guster concert.  Where: Daughters of the American Revolution Constitution Hall. Who: Sarah and me. Why: Jordan bought me tickets as a surprise when I got my MCAT scores back. Plus, Guster is awesome!!!!!!

3) Just found out I'm going to have a four day weekend coming up. What could be more fun than that?! Thank you Veteran's day! Thank you construction workers in the new building!

4) I'm re-reading all the Harry Potter books before the next movie comes out. I'm on the fourth and going strong! Plus I'm reading other incredibly fun and awesome books like Squirrel meets Chipmunk by David Sedaris and a Bill McKibben classic entitled Enough.

5) My housemates are going to run a 10-k together called Jingle all the Way. We get to run with bells on our shoes! It's undecided whether the run will actually be fun and jolly or if it will be miserable and annoying (because of all the bells....and the running....).

Another month down.  Here's what I'm looking forward to in November: attending my monthly book club, starting to teach a computer health literacy class at Bread for the City, going to the Big Apple for the Macy's Day parade, waiting on med school apps, watching the new Harry Potter movie, and hearing about how Anna becomes a famous Frog! Looks like it'll shape up to be a good month except that I'll miss Anna's performance and I won't be home for thanksgiving :( You win some, you lose some.